Setiap orangtua pastinya menginginkan anak-anak mereka tumbuh dengan optimal dan menjadi anak-anak yang cerdas. Dan untuk mewujudkan semua harapan tersebut, tentunya sebagai orangtua kita pun perlu membekali diri, agar selalu dapat memberikan dukungan positif kepada anak untuk masa depannya. Dan pembekalan dasar yang perlu dimiliki oleh para orangtua dalam upaya mengoptimalkan tumbuh kembang anaknya adalah 'Positive Parenting'. Lalu apa itu Positive Parenting? | ||||||||||||||||||||
Mayke S. Tedjasaputra, seorang psikolog dan Play Therapist, dalam acara peluncuran Rumah Rumah DANCOW Parenting Center (DPC), beberapa waktu lalu, di Jakarta, menjelaskan bahwasanya Positive Parenting itu merupakan pola pengasuhan yang dilakukan oleh orangtua dengan cara suportif, konstruktif dan juga menyenangkan bagi anak. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Dalam hal ini pola pengasuhan haruslah bersifat mendukung perkembangan anak (suportif), dilakukan dengan cara positif dan menghindari kekerasan serta hukuman (konstruktif), dan dilakukan melalui kegiatan bermain (menyenangkan). | ||||||||||||||||||||
Dan semua pola pengasuhan yang mengacu pada Positive Parenting itu dirangkumkan dalam 5 Prinsip Positive Parenting, yang mana semua dukungan positif yang dimiliki oleh orangtua akan sangat bermanfaat untuk bekal masa depan anak kelak. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Terapkan 5 Prinsip Positive Parenting Dalam Mengasuh Anak
Monday, October 25, 2010
CDC Issues Updated Guidelines for Testing for Tuberculosis Infection
Laurie Barclay, MD
- To assist in diagnosing infection with M tuberculosis, tuberculin skin tests and IGRAs may be used for surveillance or to identify persons likely to benefit from treatment (those who are or will be at increased risk for M tuberculosis infection or for progression to active tuberculosis if infected).
- Established protocols using FDA-approved test formats are required for performance and interpretation of IGRAs in compliance with Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendment standards.
- To facilitate more refined evaluation of test results and better understanding of implications and limitations of the tests, both the standard qualitative test interpretation and the quantitative assay measurements should be reported along with the criteria used for test interpretation.
- Before blood draw, arrangements for IGRA testing should be made so that the specimen is collected in the proper tubes and so that testing can be performed within the required timeframe.
- Before implementing testing with IGRAs, each institution and tuberculosis-control program should consider availability, overall cost, potential benefits of IGRAs, and characteristics of the test population in their own setting.
- Neither the tuberculin skin test nor the IGRAs should typically be used to test persons at low risk for both infection and progression to active tuberculosis if infected, unless they are likely to be at increased risk in the future. Screening such persons is likely to cause a higher number of false-positive results and diversion of resources from higher-priority activities. When testing low-risk patients, the test with the greatest specificity should be chosen.
- The most suitable test or combination of tests to diagnose M tuberculosis infection should be chosen based on the reasons and the context for testing, test availability, and overall cost effectiveness.
- An IGRA may be used instead of a tuberculin skin test in all situations in which the CDC recommends the tuberculin skin test as an aid in diagnosing M tuberculosis infection.
- An IGRA is preferred for testing persons from groups that typically have low rates of returning to have tuberculin skin tests read and for those who have received Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) as a vaccine or as cancer treatment. In the latter group, the tuberculin skin test has a higher false-positive rate.
- IGRAs or the tuberculin skin test (without preference) may be used to test recent contacts of persons with infectious tuberculosis.
- IGRAs or the tuberculin skin test (without preference) may be used for periodic screening for occupational exposure.
- For testing children younger than 5 years, the tuberculin skin test is preferred vs the IGRA. To increase diagnostic sensitivity in this age group, however, some experts recommend using an IGRA as well as the tuberculin skin test.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Otak Ibu Baru Berkembang Setelah Melahirkan
Para peneliti juga menemukan bahwa ibu yang paling antusias tentang bayi mereka, memiliki pertumbuhan lebih pada bagian penting otak - bagian tengah yang menghubungkan motivasi ibu, penghargaan dan pengolahan emosi - daripada ibu yang lebih santai dengan bayi mereka.
Temuan hasil penelitian kecil ini yang dilaporkan dalam Behavioral Neuroscience, edisi Oktober, menunjukkan bahwa keinginan ibu baru untuk merawat bayinya dapat digerakkan dengan insting yang kurang, dan lebih dengan membangun otak yang aktif. Demikian komentar dua ahli saraf tentang penelitian ini yang juga diterbitkan dalam jurnal.
Dipimpin oleh neuroscientist Pilyoung Kim, studi membandingkan gambar MRI dari 19 perempuan yang diambil 2-3 minggu dan 3-4 bulan setelah mereka melahirkan di Yale-New Haven Hospital di Connecticut. Para wanita rata-rata berusia 33, semuanya menyusui, dan hampir setengahnya memiliki anak-anak lain, dan tidak ada yang mengalami depresi postpartum.
Hasil pemindaian otak menunjukkan peningkatan kecil, tapi signifikan dalam volume materi abu-abu di berbagai bagian otak, termasuk daerah yang berhubungan dengan motivasi ibu (hipotalamus), penghargaan dan emosi pengolahan (nigra substantia dan amygdala), integrasi sensorik (lobus parietalis), serta penalaran dan penilaian (korteks prefrontal).
Pada orang dewasa, materi abu-abu umumnya tidak mengubah ukuran selama beberapa bulan tanpa proses belajar signifikan, cedera otak atau sakit, atau perubahan besar dalam lingkungan,
"Perubahan hormonal yang terjadi segera setelah melahirkan, termasuk meningkatnya estrogen, oksitosin, danprolaktin, dapat membuat otak ibu baru 'lebih rentan untuk terbentuk kembali sebagai tanggapan terhadap bayi mereka," kata para peneliti.
Ibu yang menderita depresi postpartum mungkin mengalami penurunan, bukan pertumbuhan, di daerah-daerah otak yang sama. [mor]
Semangka Efektif Turunkan Tekanan Darah
Menurut Dr. Arturo Figueroa dan Profesor Bahram H. Arjmandi, semangka adalah sumber L-citrulline yang bisa dimakan, senyawa penting dalam memproduksi oksida nitrat, gas yang memperluas pembuluh darah.
Setelah melakukan pengujian terhadap sejumlah relawan prahipertensi (garis batas tekanan darah tinggi) yang diberi diberi ekstrak L-citrulline dari semangka sebanyak 6 gram atau sekitar satu sendok teh, hasilnya terjadi peningkatan fungsi arteri, yang kemudian berefek menurunkan tekanan darah, seperti dikutip dari Daily Mail.
Dr. Figueroa mengatakan penemuan ini menunjukkan bahwa semangka memiliki efek dilatasi (memperlebar pembuluh darah). Dan, satu yang bisa mencegah prahipertensi meningkat menjadi hipertensi, faktor risiko utama serangan jantung dan stroke.
Para peneliti menemukan bahwa semangka dengan daging buah berwarna oranye mengandung lebih banyak L-citrulline daripada yang berwarna merah. Lycopene, pigmen yang memberi warna pada buah itu, dipercaya memiliki banyak manfaat. Mulai dari menangkal kanker hingga meningkatkan kesuburan.
Kedua jenis itu kaya vitamin A, B6 dan C dan tinggi serat. Semangka juga sumber kalium yang bagus, yang menurunkan tekanan darah. (pet)
Manfaat Mengejutkan Buah Apel
Siapa kira kalau Apel ternyata mampu melindungi paru, mencegah asma, dan melawan kanker.
1. Mereka Makanan Lambat
Dikemas dengan kandungan serat lima gram mampu memenuhi 20 persen dari nilai asupan gizi harian Anda. Tekstur buahnya yang renyah bisa memaksa Anda untuk berusaha mengunyah. Kegiatan ini bermanfaat sebagai pengganti senam wajah.
2. Melindungi Paru dan Mencegah Asma
Berdasarkan penelitian yang dikembangkan dari Britania Raya menyatakan, wanita yang mengonsumsi buah apel secara rutin saat mengandung bisa memberikan keuntungan kesehatan pada bayi yang akan dilahirkannya.
3. Pengikis Kolesterol
Berkat dua komponen kunci, pektin (sejenis serat) dan polifenol (antioksidan kuat), apel dapat mengambil mereduksi kadar kolesterol darah dan mencegah oksidasi LDL ("buruk") kolesterol, proses kimia yang mengubah menjadi plak penyumbatan arteri.
4. Melawan Kanker
Lab penelitian telah menunjukkan bahwa beberapa senyawa dalam buah berair dan berdaging renyah ini mampu membunuh pertumbuhan sel kanker. Namun, khasiatnya akan bekerja baik jika buah ini dikonsumsi secara utuh.
5. Mencegah Pikun Dikemudian Hari
Mungkin karena mereka meningkatkan produksi asetilkolin, zat kimia yang mentransmisikan pesan antara sel-sel saraf, sehingga kandungan apel mampu menjaga ketajaman otak seiring pertambahan usia, meningkatkan memori, dan berpotensi mengurangi kemungkinan mendapatkan penyakit Alzheimer.
Lima Gadget Paling Berbahaya
Berbagai penyakit ditimbulkan alat-alat canggih ini.
Tapi tahukah anda bahwa alat-alat elektronik ini dapat membahayakan diri kita?
Ahli toksikologi peraih hadiah Nobel, Devra Davis, pada bukunya yang berjudul 'Disconnected ' mengungkapkan bahwa terdapat lima perangkat elektronik yang paling berpengaruh buruk bagi kesehatan manusia. Penyakitnya pun beragam, mulai dari gangguan pertumbuhan hingga kanker otak.
Namun, jangan khawatir, Davis juga menyertakan bagaimana menggunakan benda-benda tersebut sehingga tidak berakibat fatal bagi kesehatan kita. Berikut adalah lima benda elektronik yang paling berbahaya menurut Davis.
1. Handphone
Menurut penelitian Davis, penggunaan handphone dapat merusak pertumbuhan sel otak pada anak dan menyebabkan tumor otak pada orang dewasa. Tidak hanya itu, handphone juga dapat mengancam populasi umat manusia. Kok bisa? Menurut Davis, penggunaan handphone minimal empat jam sehari dapat mengurangi jumlah sperma.
Pakai speakerphone atau hands-free ketika menelepon.
2. Laptop
Selain baterai yang meledak atau mainboard berasap, masalah laptop pada kesehatan manusia adalah sakit mata dan kepala karena radiasi layar. Selain itu, laptop yang diletakkan di paha dapat membakar paha seperti daging panggang. Hal ini dikarenakan panas yang keluar dari laptop. Kasus terparah adalah kanker kulit.
Untuk menghindari sakit mata, berpaling dari layar laptop setiap 20 menit selama 2-3 menit. Perbesar font jika diperlukan. Untuk menghindari paha terbakar, beli bantal paha.
3. IPods
Davis menjelaskan penelitiannya yang mengatakan bahwa mendengarkan musik dengan iPods selama satu jam setengah dapat mengganggu pendengaran, bahkan pada kasus terparah adalah tuli.
Pakai busa earphone untuk sedikit meredam suara yang keluar.
4. Video game
Menggenggam stik game terlalu lama dapat membuat tanganmu merah, Davis menyebutnya “telapak Playstasion”. Ini disebabkan oleh lembabnya telapak tangan karena berkeringat. Sedangkan pada Nintendo Wii, keluhan yang paling sering adalah lepasnya tulang bahu karena terlalu bersemangat memukul.
Pada Wii, pemain sebelumnya harus melakukan peregangan terlebih dulu. Untuk Playstation, pemain membaluri tangannya dengan bedak.
5. Komputer
Penyakit yang timbul menurut Davis adalah masalah jantung dan obesitas karena kurang gerak. Kejang otot juga pernah terjadi karena terlalu lama menggunakan mouse atau salah posisi mengetik.
Beli gelpad pada keyboard, lakukan yoga dan peregangan pada jam istirahat untuk melemaskan otot punggung dan leher.
A stroke is a medical emergency in which blood flow to the brain stops. This brain attack can be prevented by taking about two glasses of red wine per day. Various research show that the people who drink a couple of glasses of wine a week, live longer than people who don’t. Red wine is also a great stress reliever.
U.S. Researchers have found that red wine works effectively to protect brain damage after fit or stroke. Drinking red wine in moderate proportions may help a lot to prevent such damages on a long run.
According to Reuters, the scientists of John Hopkins University have done studies on mouse models. From the study it has been found that resveratrol, a component which is found in the seeds and grape skin, can help in preventing stroke.
Red wine contains approximately 5 mg/L of resveratrol. The study showed that resveratrol increases enzyme level in brain to protect the damage of nerve cells. The results show that the animals had less damage in brains rather than mice that had not been given resveratrol.
.According to research done by Dore, it has been found that the red wine turns on heme oxygenase anti-oxidant system, if taken in moderate amount. It was also discovered that there was a decrease of about 40 percent in the damage of stroke.
From research done, he and his team presented results to US government in Atlanta. He also said that the uniqueness about his study is to build the cell resistance by preventing the damage in brain and finding the benefits of red wine for good health.
Dore also said that red wine proves to be very much helpful for the prevention of heart troubles also along with the pre-treatment as well as the stroke prevention. But wine must be taken at prophylactic usage to attain the real benefit.
During the process of fermentation for making wine, the amount of resveratrol increases.
But still, the research is going on to translate the observations on mice to humans. Still it has not been perfectly proven that red wine provides protective effect against the stroke in humans.
Thus, about two glasses in a day should be taken in order to consume the required amount of resveratrol, which will help to prevent the stroke. But hey remember one more thing; the amount differs from person to person all depending on individuals’ weight.
How Red Wine May Shield Brain from Stroke Damage: Researchers Discover Pathway in Mice for Resveratrol's Apparent Protective Effect
Two hours after feeding mice a single modest dose of resveratrol, a compound found in the skins and seeds of red grapes, the scientists induced an ischemic stroke by essentially cutting off blood supply to the animals' brains. They found that the animals that had preventively ingested the resveratrol suffered significantly less brain damage than the ones that had not been given the compound.
Sylvain Doré, Ph.D., an associate professor of anesthesiology and critical care medicine and pharmacology and molecular sciences at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, says his study suggests that resveratrol increases levels of an enzyme (heme oxygenase) already known to shield nerve cells in the brain from damage. When the stroke hits, the brain is ready to protect itself because of elevated enzyme levels. In mice that lacked the enzyme, the study found, resveratrol had no significant protective effect and their brain cells died after a stroke.
"Our study adds to evidence that resveratrol can potentially build brain resistance to ischemic stroke," says Doré, the leader of the study, which appears online in the journalExperimental Neurology.
Red wine has gotten a lot of attention lately for its purported health benefits. Along with reducing stroke, moderate wine consumption has been linked to a lowered incidence of cardiovascular disease -- the so-called French paradox. Despite diets high in butter, cheese and other saturated fats, the paradox goes, the French have a relatively low incidence of cardiovascular events, which some have attributed to the regular drinking of red wine.
Doré cautions against taking resveratrol supplements, available alongside vitamins and minerals and on websites touting its benefits, because it is unclear whether such supplements could do harm or good. He has not tested resveratrol in clinical trials. And while resveratrol is found in red grapes, it's the alcohol in the wine that may be needed to concentrate the amounts of the beneficial compound. Doré also cautions that drinking alcohol carries risks along with potential benefits.
He also notes that even if further research affirms the benefits of red wine, no one yet knows how much would be optimal to protect the brain, or even what kind of red wine might be best, because not all types contain the same amount of resveratrol. More research is needed, he says.
Doré says his research suggests that the amount needed could end up being quite small because the suspected beneficial mechanism is indirect. "Resveratrol itself may not be shielding brain cells from free radical damage directly, but instead, resveratrol, and its metabolites, may be prompting the cells to defend themselves," he suggests.
"It's not likely that brain cells can have high enough local levels of resveratrol to be protective," he says. The resveratrol is needed to jump-start this protective enzymatic system that is already present within the cells. "Even a small amount may be sufficient," Doré says.
Doré says his ongoing research also suggests some therapeutic benefits to giving resveratrol to mice after a stroke to limit further neuronal damage.
The research was supported in part by grants from the National Institutes of Health, the Wine Institute and the ABMR Foundation.
Other Johns Hopkins authors of the study include Hean Zhuang, M.D.; Herman Kwansa, Ph.D; and Raymond C. Koehler, Ph. D.
Editor's Note: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
Red wine may help prevent stroke damage
A couple glasses a day could protect the brain, mouse studies suggest
In an effort to better understand how red wine works, the scientists from Johns Hopkins University fed mice a moderate dose of a compound found in red grape skins and seeds before inducing stroke-like damage.
They discovered that the animals suffered less brain damage than similarly damaged mice who were not treated with the compound, which is called resveratrol.
“When we pre-treat the animals with the compound orally, then we observe that we have a significant decrease in the area of stroke damage by about 40 percent,” said Sylvain Dore, the lead researcher for the study.
Dore and his research team presented their results from the study, which was funded in part by the U.S. government, at a Society for Neuroscience conference in Atlanta.
“What is unique about this study is we have somewhat identified what can be the specific mechanism,” in the wine that is good for health, Dore said. “Here we are building cell resistance against free radical damage.”
The study showed that resveratrol increases levels of an enzyme in the brain — heme oxygenase — that was already known to shield nerve cells from damage.
Dore said the beneficial effects associated with drinking a moderate amount of red wine could be explained by the fact the the wine turns on the heme oxygenase anti-oxidant system.
“Red wine has been suggested for the heart. Here what we show is its special effect in stroke and pre-treatment,” Dore said. “It suggests that prophylactic use of wine could work.”
The fermentation process in wine-making boosts the concentration of resveratrol, Dore said.
But said more studies are needed to translate the findings from mice into humans.
The amount of wine that must be consumed in order to reap the benefits of the compound will vary depending on a person’s weight and the concentration of resveratrol in the wine. But Dore said it will likely work out to about two glasses a day.
Copyright 2010 Thomson Reuters.
Red Wine Cegah Serangan Stroke
Sejumlah peneliti telah membuktikan kalau minuman anggur merah memiliki kekuatan untuk mencegah serangan stroke pada otak. Beberapa kandungan dari buah itu ternyata bisa menurunkan tingkat pembekuan darah akibat terlalu sering makan makanan junk food.
Percobaan dilakukan pada sejumlah tikus sehat yang diberikan estrak resveratol yang ada di dalam biji dan kulit dari buah anggur merah. Ternyata hasilnya, tikus-tikus itu memiliki penurunan kemungkinan terserang stroke.
Peneliti dari the John Hopkins University School of Medicine di Baltimore menyarankan agar rajin mengkonsumsi buah itu. Sebab kandungan resveratrol (terutama pada biji dan kulit) bisa meningkatkan pertumbuhan enzim dalam otak yang mencegah serangan stroke.
Sang peneliti, Dr Sylvain Dore mengatakan kalau jumlah yang sedikit juga tetap bisa meningkatkan kadar enzim itu dalam tubuh kita. Resveratrol juga bisa ditemukan pada buah raspbery, blueberry,cranberry dan kacang-kacangan. Memang sih, beberapa jenis buah itu tidak ada di Indonesia. Tapi buah-buahan itu sudah di jual dalam bentuk buah kalengan di supermarket besar.
Namun para peneliti juga menyarankan agar minum anggur (red wine) secara moderat (normal) sebab, terlalu banyak juga bisa mengakibatkan timbulnya penyakit lain.(dailymail/nay)