Putro Agus Harnowo - detikHealth
Jakarta - Ada banyak jalan menuju Roma, maka ada banyak cara untuk menurunkan berat badan. Sampai saat ini, ada berbagai jenis metode diet yang diklaim ampuh menurunkan berat badan. Teori yang mendasari juga ada bermacam-macam.
Menyusul makin meningkatnya kesadaran masyarakat akan bahaya obesitas dan kelebihan berat badan, upaya penurunan berat badan makin menjadi tren. Beberapa di antaranya berhasil dan ada yang tidak. Sebaiknya bicarakan dengan dokter spesialis gizi untuk mendapat hasil optimal.
Seperti yang berhasil dirangkum detikHealth, Rabu (30/1/2013), berikut adalah 9 jenis diet yang sering diterapkan:
1. Diet Mediterania
Diet Mediterania didasarkan pada makanan tradisional di wilayah Mediterania Selatan. Makanan yang dikonsumsi adalah karbohidrat kompleks seperti biji-bijian, pasta, buah dan sayuran, serta sejumlah ikan, unggas, telur, minyak zaitun, sedikit daging merah dan anggur wine.
Nyatanya, penduduk Mediterania Selatan memiliki kasus penyakit jantung dan angka kematian terendah dibanding negara-negara barat lainnya. Rahasianya adalah anti oksidan dalam buah dan sayur. Minyak ikan mengandung asam lemak omega 3 dan minyak zaitun merupakan sumber antioksidan serta vitamin E.
2. Diet Breatharian
Diet ini didasarkan pada prinsip yang mengklaim bahwa makanan dan air tidak diperlukan untuk mempertahankan kehidupan. Tubuh manusia diyakini dapat hidup sehat hanya dengan udara, sinar matahari dan prana atau kekuatan hidup saja.
Ada banyak kontroversi seputar diet ini. Pada tahun 90-an, seorang pelaku diet di Eropa meninggal ketika mencoba mematuhi aturan diet. Risikonya adalah dehidrasi dan diperburuk dengan kurangnya asupan makanan. Jika dilakukan hanya 1 atau 2 hari, metode ini dapat berguna menghilangkan stres, sekaligus membantu membersihkan racun dari tubuh.
3. Diet Vegan
Diet vegan tidak mengonsumsi daging, telur, produk susu dan semua turunan produk hewani. Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan kaum vegan cenderung mengonsumsi sedikit kalori sehingga memiliki berat badan dan indeks massa tubuh yang lebih rendah dengan lemak yang sedikit.
Jika dilakukan dengan benar, kebutuhan kalori bisa diperoleh dari mengkonsumsi banyak buah, sayuran dan biji-bijian. Pola makan vegan mencakup semua biji-bijian, kacang-kacangan, sayuran dan buah-buahan serta kombinasinya.
4. Diet Alkaline
Diet alkaline didasarkan pada keyakinan bahwa makanan tertentu bisa mempengaruhi keasaman cairan tubuh, termasuk urine atau darah. Tingkat keasaman ini bisa digunakan untuk mengobati atau mencegah penyakit seperti kanker, penyakit jantung, serta risiko penyakit lainnya.
Orang yang menjalani diet ini dilarang mengkonsumsi makanan yang membuat pH tubuh menjadi asam, misalnya daging, ikan, unggas, produk susu, makanan olahan, gula putih, tepung putih dan kafein. Tapi pengidap penyakit ginjal atau penyakit lain seperti diabetes perlu pengawasan dari dokter.
5. Diet Atkins
Diet ini dilakukan dengan membatasi asupan karbohidrat untuk mengalihkan metabolisme tubuh. Jika tubuh terbiasa mengubah glukosa menjadi energi, maka yang diubah kali ini adalah simpanan lemak. Berat badan akan berkurang karena lemak yang tertimbun dimetabolisme menjadi energi.
Protein murni boleh dikonsumsi, tapi asupan karbohidrat sangat dibatasi, yaitu sekitar 20 gram per hari dalam waktu 2 minggu pertama. Dari waktu ke waktu berat badan mulai terkontrol, asupan karbohidrat ditingkatkan secara bertahap.
6. Diet Beverly Hills
Diet ini menekankan pada makanan apa yang bisa dikonsumsi bersama-sama. Alasannya jika salah satu makanan dikonsumsi terlalu banyak dan dicampur dengan jenis yang berbeda, maka enzim yang berfungsi memetabolisme makanan akan bingung dan memicu kenaikan berat badan.
Buah bisa dicerna oleh usus dalam waktu 15-20 menit, sedangkan karbohidrat membutuhkan waktu 3 jam. Protein membutuhkan waktu 10 jam lebih dan lemak tidak boleh dikonsumsi sendiri. Praktiknya, protein dikonsumsi dengan protein dan lemak, karbohidrat dikonsumsi dengan karbohidrat dan lemak, sedangkan buah dikonsumsi sendiri.
7. Diet TLC
Diet TLC (Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes) dilakukan untuk membantu menurunkan kadar kolesterol jahat dan mengurangi risiko penyakit kardiovaskular. Kuncinya adalah mengurangi asupan lemak, khususnya lemak jenuh serta memakan lebih banyak serat.
Para ahli mengungkapkan diet ini baik untuk membuat jantung sehat karena pola makannya menekankan buah, sayuran dan whole grain tapi cenderung sedikit lemak jenuh dan garam. Metode ini baik untuk menjaga kolesterol dan tekanan darah tetap normal, sehingga risiko gangguan jantung menurun.
8. Diet Dukan
Diet Dukan merupakan jenis diet yang banyak dilakukan oleh perempuan Perancis, ini karena dipopulerkan oleh pakar diet asal Perancis Dr Piere Dukan. Jenis diet ini diminati banyak orang terutama perempuan karena bisa menurunkan berat badan secara cepat dan dapat menjaga stabilitas berat badan yang dicapai.
Diet Dukan ini membuat seseorang berupaya mencapai target berat badan idealnya secara alami, caranya adalah dengan tidak mengenal karbohidrat tapi mengonsumsi protein tinggi.
9. Diet Golongan Darah
Golongan darah O cenderung memiliki tingkat asam lambung tinggi sehingga harus banyak makan daging, hewan dan sayuran. Golongan darah A harus menghindari makanan seperti daging dan susu lalu beralih mengkonsumsi makanan kaya karbohidrat namun rendah lemak.
Jika memiliki darah tipe B, sebaiknya makan makanan laut, daging sapi, domba, produk susu, gandum, sayuran hijau dan buah-buahan. Untuk darah AB, makanan yang diperbolehkan adalah perpaduan antara A dan B.
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Thursday, January 24, 2013
10-Minute Moves For Strength, Speed and Agility,,20568434,00.html
Be light on your feet
Super-fun workout alert: Leap into these moves (based on Equinox's Blockbuster Body class) designed to make you stronger, faster, and more agile. To get totally toned from this shape-up—co-created by Lisa Wheeler, Equinox's national creative program manager of group fitness—choose a move for your arms, a move for abs, a move for legs and butt, and do 3 sets 3 to 4 times a week.
Not in top shape just yet? No problem: Just choose the ones marked "easier."
From hands and knees, push into feet and raise hips to come into inverted V position with knees slightly bent and weight equally on hands and feet. Lift left leg back and up, bending knee so flexed foot points up.
Keeping hips high and left leg up, hop right foot toward hands; move hands forward and repeat hop. Continue for 30 seconds; switch sides and repeat. Too hard? Keep both feet down for entire move.
Push-up 180
Get into plank position, hands below shoulders and body in straight line from head to heels. With core strong, do 4 push-ups.
Walk feet to right, turning body to balance on right hand and outside edge of right foot with left arm up (side plank). Keep walking feet around to turn body faceup; put left hand on floor (fingers forward) and raise hips.
Reverse movements to return to starting position; repeat on other side. Continue for 60 seconds.
Roll down rollovers
Sit with knees bent and feet on floor. Slowly roll down to lie on back; extend legs, reach right arm overhead, bend left arm so hand is by shoulder.
Roll over to left onto belly; lift legs and arms off floor.
Reverse movements to return to starting position. Repeat on opposite side; that's 1 rep. Do 12 reps. Too hard? Bend leg and push foot against floor to help you roll onto belly.
Butterfly extension
Sit with knees bent and open to sides, soles of feet together; bring hands together in front of chest.
Keeping core tight, slowly extend legs, allowing them to hover a few inches off floor (raise them a bit higher if that’s too challenging), and lean back until your mid-back almost touches floor.
Hold for a few seconds, and then slowly return to previous position. Do 10 to 20 reps.
Lunge chop kick
Stand with feet together and hands clasped; raise hands overhead. Step right foot out to side and bend right knee (don’t let it go past toes), keeping left leg straight; at same time, hinge slightly at waist and chop arms down past right knee.
Push back up to starting position and kick right leg forward while bringing hands toward chin.
Continue for 60 seconds, and then switch sides and repeat. Too hard? Leave out the chop.
Shifting monkey
Stand with feet wider than hip-width, toes turned out. Push hips back and squat low, bringing butt close to floor and arms up in front of chest; shift weight over to right side, keeping left knee pointing to side and bringing right knee forward (right heel lifted with butt hovering over heel).
Staying low in squat, shift weight and pivot feet until right knee is back out to side and left knee is forward with heel lifted; that's 1 rep. Do 20 reps.
Build a better body
By Su Reid-St. John
From Health magazine
Your body is a marvel of efficiency: Do something over and over and, before long, you get so good at it you do it on autopilot. That’s a wonderful thing when it comes to learning a new language, it’s not so great when it comes to your workout.
There’s a simple way to get your body back in fat-blasting mode: Temporarily ditch your go-to moves. "When you change up your workout, your body works harder because it’s in unfamiliar territory," explains Amy Dixon, a Santa Monica, California–based trainer and exercise physiologist. "That’s what causes it to burn more calories and build more muscle."
Mix it up
Cardio-wise, there’s no need to completely abandon what you love. Just tweak it. "At least one day a week, do a different activity than usual," Dixon advises. "If you’re a walker, hit the pool. If you’re a cyclist, get to know the rowing machine." Increase intensity during your second cardio workout of the week, and up your workout time during the third session. "Those three changes will keep your body guessing," she says.
Use the pro's tips
To shake up your strength workout, replace the everyone-does-’em moves (crunches, etc.) with this fresh routine created by Dixon. Do this series two to three times per week, alternating with cardio days; you’ll start to see results in as little as two to three weeks. Each move hits the same major muscle groups as the old standbys, but challenges them more, giving you a stronger, sleeker body in the same amount of time. So it’s efficient—in the best way possible.
Skip squats, do: Bridge drag
Lie on your back with heels and calves on a stability ball, arms by your sides. Press shoulder blades into floor and lift hips so body forms a straight line from shoulders to heels. Tighten core and slowly drag both heels in toward butt, bending knees and keeping body lifted.
Without dropping hips, slowly extend both legs back to previous position. Do 3 sets of 15 reps.
Why it’s better: It challenges your core more than a squat does, plus sculpts and defines the same muscles without the impact on your knees.
Skip rows, do: Lat-pull lean-back
Kneel in front of a stability ball with forearms on the ball. Roll ball out to come into plank position on knees, chest lifted off ball; body should be in straight diagonal line from head to knees.
Retract shoulder blades and pull, dragging ball in toward body; pick up ball and hold it in front of you, leaning back from knees while keeping spine long. Return to previous position, then roll back to starting position. Do 3 sets of 15 reps.
Why it’s better: It’s more challenging and dynamic than a row, requiring a bigger range of motion—and that means more calories burned. Plus, it really works your core and stretches your hips.
Skip lunges, do: Knee-cross curtsy
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Lift right leg straight back and up; at same time, hinge at waist and bring hands or fingertips to floor in front of left foot. Bend both knees, bringing right knee behind left knee. Press back up through left foot to return to previous position. Do 15 reps, keeping leg raised, then switch sides and repeat. Do 3 sets.
Why it’s better: It allows for a greater range of motion than a basic lunge (adding flexibility to the mix), plus challenges your balance, strengthening your core.
Skip push-ups, do: Ball fly
Be light on your feet
Super-fun workout alert: Leap into these moves (based on Equinox's Blockbuster Body class) designed to make you stronger, faster, and more agile. To get totally toned from this shape-up—co-created by Lisa Wheeler, Equinox's national creative program manager of group fitness—choose a move for your arms, a move for abs, a move for legs and butt, and do 3 sets 3 to 4 times a week.
Not in top shape just yet? No problem: Just choose the ones marked "easier."
From hands and knees, push into feet and raise hips to come into inverted V position with knees slightly bent and weight equally on hands and feet. Lift left leg back and up, bending knee so flexed foot points up.
Keeping hips high and left leg up, hop right foot toward hands; move hands forward and repeat hop. Continue for 30 seconds; switch sides and repeat. Too hard? Keep both feet down for entire move.
Push-up 180
Get into plank position, hands below shoulders and body in straight line from head to heels. With core strong, do 4 push-ups.
Walk feet to right, turning body to balance on right hand and outside edge of right foot with left arm up (side plank). Keep walking feet around to turn body faceup; put left hand on floor (fingers forward) and raise hips.
Reverse movements to return to starting position; repeat on other side. Continue for 60 seconds.
Roll down rollovers
Sit with knees bent and feet on floor. Slowly roll down to lie on back; extend legs, reach right arm overhead, bend left arm so hand is by shoulder.
Roll over to left onto belly; lift legs and arms off floor.
Reverse movements to return to starting position. Repeat on opposite side; that's 1 rep. Do 12 reps. Too hard? Bend leg and push foot against floor to help you roll onto belly.
Butterfly extension
Sit with knees bent and open to sides, soles of feet together; bring hands together in front of chest.
Keeping core tight, slowly extend legs, allowing them to hover a few inches off floor (raise them a bit higher if that’s too challenging), and lean back until your mid-back almost touches floor.
Hold for a few seconds, and then slowly return to previous position. Do 10 to 20 reps.
Lunge chop kick
Stand with feet together and hands clasped; raise hands overhead. Step right foot out to side and bend right knee (don’t let it go past toes), keeping left leg straight; at same time, hinge slightly at waist and chop arms down past right knee.
Push back up to starting position and kick right leg forward while bringing hands toward chin.
Continue for 60 seconds, and then switch sides and repeat. Too hard? Leave out the chop.
Shifting monkey
Stand with feet wider than hip-width, toes turned out. Push hips back and squat low, bringing butt close to floor and arms up in front of chest; shift weight over to right side, keeping left knee pointing to side and bringing right knee forward (right heel lifted with butt hovering over heel).
Staying low in squat, shift weight and pivot feet until right knee is back out to side and left knee is forward with heel lifted; that's 1 rep. Do 20 reps.
Moves for a Better Body,,20553038,00.html
Build a better body
By Su Reid-St. John
From Health magazine
Your body is a marvel of efficiency: Do something over and over and, before long, you get so good at it you do it on autopilot. That’s a wonderful thing when it comes to learning a new language, it’s not so great when it comes to your workout.
There’s a simple way to get your body back in fat-blasting mode: Temporarily ditch your go-to moves. "When you change up your workout, your body works harder because it’s in unfamiliar territory," explains Amy Dixon, a Santa Monica, California–based trainer and exercise physiologist. "That’s what causes it to burn more calories and build more muscle."
Mix it up
Cardio-wise, there’s no need to completely abandon what you love. Just tweak it. "At least one day a week, do a different activity than usual," Dixon advises. "If you’re a walker, hit the pool. If you’re a cyclist, get to know the rowing machine." Increase intensity during your second cardio workout of the week, and up your workout time during the third session. "Those three changes will keep your body guessing," she says.
Use the pro's tips
To shake up your strength workout, replace the everyone-does-’em moves (crunches, etc.) with this fresh routine created by Dixon. Do this series two to three times per week, alternating with cardio days; you’ll start to see results in as little as two to three weeks. Each move hits the same major muscle groups as the old standbys, but challenges them more, giving you a stronger, sleeker body in the same amount of time. So it’s efficient—in the best way possible.
Skip squats, do: Bridge drag
Lie on your back with heels and calves on a stability ball, arms by your sides. Press shoulder blades into floor and lift hips so body forms a straight line from shoulders to heels. Tighten core and slowly drag both heels in toward butt, bending knees and keeping body lifted.
Without dropping hips, slowly extend both legs back to previous position. Do 3 sets of 15 reps.
Why it’s better: It challenges your core more than a squat does, plus sculpts and defines the same muscles without the impact on your knees.
Skip rows, do: Lat-pull lean-back
Kneel in front of a stability ball with forearms on the ball. Roll ball out to come into plank position on knees, chest lifted off ball; body should be in straight diagonal line from head to knees.
Retract shoulder blades and pull, dragging ball in toward body; pick up ball and hold it in front of you, leaning back from knees while keeping spine long. Return to previous position, then roll back to starting position. Do 3 sets of 15 reps.
Why it’s better: It’s more challenging and dynamic than a row, requiring a bigger range of motion—and that means more calories burned. Plus, it really works your core and stretches your hips.
Skip lunges, do: Knee-cross curtsy
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Lift right leg straight back and up; at same time, hinge at waist and bring hands or fingertips to floor in front of left foot. Bend both knees, bringing right knee behind left knee. Press back up through left foot to return to previous position. Do 15 reps, keeping leg raised, then switch sides and repeat. Do 3 sets.
Why it’s better: It allows for a greater range of motion than a basic lunge (adding flexibility to the mix), plus challenges your balance, strengthening your core.
Skip push-ups, do: Ball fly
Sit on a stability ball with a 5- to 10-lb dumbbell in your right hand. Slowly roll down and back until head and shoulders are on the ball, feet hip-width on floor with knees bent. Brace core, press heels into floor, and raise hips up to bridge position.
Extend right arm toward the ceiling so weight is directly above your shoulder with palm facing in; lift and straighten left leg. Keeping leg raised, slowly lower right arm out to the side until it’s at shoulder level. Use chest muscles to bring right arm back up. Do 15 reps, keeping leg raised, then switch sides and repeat. Do 3 sets.
Why it’s better: More muscle challenge in the hips and butt, thanks to extra work needed to keep you stabilized.
Extend right arm toward the ceiling so weight is directly above your shoulder with palm facing in; lift and straighten left leg. Keeping leg raised, slowly lower right arm out to the side until it’s at shoulder level. Use chest muscles to bring right arm back up. Do 15 reps, keeping leg raised, then switch sides and repeat. Do 3 sets.
Why it’s better: More muscle challenge in the hips and butt, thanks to extra work needed to keep you stabilized.
Skip plank, do: Get down, get up
Stand with feet hip-distance apart in front of a bench, back to bench, hands together in front of chest. Bend knees and push hips back (keep knees over ankles) to come to sitting on bench.
Brace core and lean torso back while lifting and straightening legs to come into V-position, balancing on sitting bones; open arms out to sides. Slowly lower feet and return to starting position. Do 3 sets of 15 reps.
Why it’s better: This move elevates your heart rate much more than a plank and is more challenging to your leg, hip, butt, and deep core muscles.
Skip shoulder press, do: Balancing overhead toss
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, a 6- to 8-lb medicine ball in left hand, arms out to sides. Bend right knee and lift leg so thigh is parallel to floor. Keeping knee raised, toss ball from left hand to right. Toss it back to left; that’s one rep. Do 15 reps, then switch sides and repeat. Do 3 sets.
Why it’s better: It works more shoulder muscles than a press, plus involves balance, which gets your core involved, big time.
Skip crunches, do: Leg drop
Lie on back with arms by sides, palms down, legs long with a stability ball between lower legs. Engage abs and lift legs, bringing ball directly over hips. Keeping lower back pressed firmly into floor, slowly lower legs toward the floor (try not to let them touch floor). Do 3 sets of 15 reps.
Why it’s better: Not only does it target the rectus abdominus muscles (your inner six-pack) in the same way a crunch does, but it also works the muscles in the lower abs.
Skip bicep curl/tricep extension, do: Single arm cut
Stand with feet wide, left toes turned out, a 5- to 10-lb weight in your right hand, arms by sides. Bend right knee and pivot right toes toward left foot, rotating body; at same time, lift weight up and left, ending in upper-cut position with elbow bent and upper arm shoulder level.
Rotate back to right, bringing weight down toward right while bending knees and pivoting left foot and knee toward right. Extend right arm to outside of right knee. Do 15 reps; switch sides and repeat. Do 3 sets.
Why it’s better: It’s a much more dynamic move than a curl or extension, so you get a bigger burn.
Stand with feet hip-distance apart in front of a bench, back to bench, hands together in front of chest. Bend knees and push hips back (keep knees over ankles) to come to sitting on bench.
Brace core and lean torso back while lifting and straightening legs to come into V-position, balancing on sitting bones; open arms out to sides. Slowly lower feet and return to starting position. Do 3 sets of 15 reps.
Why it’s better: This move elevates your heart rate much more than a plank and is more challenging to your leg, hip, butt, and deep core muscles.
Skip shoulder press, do: Balancing overhead toss
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, a 6- to 8-lb medicine ball in left hand, arms out to sides. Bend right knee and lift leg so thigh is parallel to floor. Keeping knee raised, toss ball from left hand to right. Toss it back to left; that’s one rep. Do 15 reps, then switch sides and repeat. Do 3 sets.
Why it’s better: It works more shoulder muscles than a press, plus involves balance, which gets your core involved, big time.
Skip crunches, do: Leg drop
Lie on back with arms by sides, palms down, legs long with a stability ball between lower legs. Engage abs and lift legs, bringing ball directly over hips. Keeping lower back pressed firmly into floor, slowly lower legs toward the floor (try not to let them touch floor). Do 3 sets of 15 reps.
Why it’s better: Not only does it target the rectus abdominus muscles (your inner six-pack) in the same way a crunch does, but it also works the muscles in the lower abs.
Skip bicep curl/tricep extension, do: Single arm cut
Stand with feet wide, left toes turned out, a 5- to 10-lb weight in your right hand, arms by sides. Bend right knee and pivot right toes toward left foot, rotating body; at same time, lift weight up and left, ending in upper-cut position with elbow bent and upper arm shoulder level.
Rotate back to right, bringing weight down toward right while bending knees and pivoting left foot and knee toward right. Extend right arm to outside of right knee. Do 15 reps; switch sides and repeat. Do 3 sets.
Why it’s better: It’s a much more dynamic move than a curl or extension, so you get a bigger burn.
Friday, January 18, 2013
15 Masalah kesehatan karena rokok yang jarang dipublikasikan
Berdasarkan penelitian banyak dampak kesehatan yang diakibatkan oleh rokok. berikut efek samping akibat rokok yang jarang dipublikasikan, mulai dari ujung rambut sampai ujung kaki.
1. RAMBUT RONTOK. Rokok memperlemah sistem kekebalan, sehingga tubuh lebih rentan terhadap penyakit seperti lupus erythematosus yang menyebabkan rambut rontok, sariawan mulut, dan erupsi cutan (bintik merah) diwajah, kulit kepala dan tangan.
2. KATARAK. Merokok dipercaya dapat memperburuk kondisi mata. Katarak, yaitu memutihnya lensa mata yang menghalangi masuknya cahaya yang dapat menyebabkan kebuataan, 40% terjadi pada perokok. Rokok dapat menyebabkan katarak dengan cara mengiritasi mata dengan terlepasnya zat-zat kimia di paru-paru yang oleh aliran darah dibawa sampai kemata.
3. KULIT KERIPUT. Merokok dapat menyebabkan menuaan dini pada kulit karena rusaknya protein yang berguna untuk menjaga elastisitas kulit, terkikisnya vitamin A, dan terhambatnya aliran darah. Kulit perokok menjadi kering dan keriput terutama didaerah bibir dan mata.
4. KANKER KULIT. Merokok tidak menyebabkan melonoma, tetapi merokok dapat menyebabkan meningkatkan kemungkinan kematian akibat penyakit tersebut. Ditengarai bahwa perokok berisiko menderita cutaneus squamus cell kanker, sejenis kanker yang meninggalkan bercak pada kulit.
5. HILANGNYA PENDENGARAN. Karena tembakau menyebabkan timbulnya endapan pada dinding pembuluh darah sehingga menghambat laju aliran darah ke dalam telinga bagian dalam. Perokok dapat kehilangan lebih awal daripada orang yang tidak merokok atau lebih mudah kelihangan pendengaran karena infeksi pendengaran.
6. OSTEOPOROSIS. Ada karbon monoksida, yaitu zat kimia beracun yang banyak terdapat pada gas buang mobil dan asap rokok lebih mudah terikat dalam darah dari oksigen, sehingga kemampuan udara untuk mengangkat oksigen turun 15% pada perokok, akibatnya tulang orang yang merokok kehilangan densitasnya menjadi lebih mudah patah/retak dan penyembuhannya 80% lebih lama.
7. KARIES. Rokok mempengaruhi keseimbangan kimiawi dalam mulut, membentuk plak yang berlebihan, membuat gigi menjadi kuning, dan terjadi karies.
8. EMPHYSEMA. Emphysema yaitu pelebaran dan rusaknya kantung udara oada paru yang menurunkan kapasitas paru-paru untuk menghisap oksigen dan melepaskan CO2.
9. PENYAKIT JANTUNG. Satu diantara 3 kematian di dunia diakibatkan penyakit kardiovaskuler. pemakaian tembakau adalah salah satu faktor risiko terbesar untuk penyakit ini. Rokok menyebabkan denyut jantung lebih cepat, menaikkan risiko hipertensi dan penyumbatan arteri dan akhirnya menyebabkan serangan jantung atau stroke.
10. KANKER. Asap rokok mengandung 40 macam zat karsinogen. Kemungkinan timbulnya kanker paru pada perokok 22 kali lebih besar; lidah, mulut, kelenjer ludah, dan pharynx 6-7 kali lebih besark; kanker kerongkongan 12 kali lebih besar, oesophagus 8-10 kali lebih besar (WHO, 2002).
11. DISKLORI JARI-JARI. Tar yang terdapat pada asap rokok terakumulasi pada jari-jari dan kuku yang meninggalkan warna kuning dan kecoklatan.
12. TUKAK LAMBUNG. Konsumsi tembakau menurunkan resistensi terhadap bakteri yang menyebabkan tukak lambung, juga meminimalisasi kemampuan lambung untuk menetralkan asam lambung setelah makan sehingga akan menggerogoti dinding lambung. Tukak lambung pada perokok lebih sulit disembuhkan.
13. KANKER UTERUS. Merokok dapat meningkatkan risiko kaker servik dan uterus. kanker ini bisa disebabkan oleh nikotin yang ada dalam darah. Mengapa? Karena asap rokok yang masuk ke dalam tubuh akan segera menyebar ke seluruh tubuh. Zat nikotin yang ada dalam asap rokok tersebut akan memicu pertumbuhan sel tidak normal yang kemudian menjadi biang munculnya sel kanker mulut rahim.
14. PSORIASIS. Berkembangnya psosiasis/inflamasi noncotageous pada kulit yang menyisakan bercak merah berair dan gatal 2-3 kali lebih besar terjadi pada perokok.
15. PENYAKIT BEURGER. Penyakit yang juga dikenal dengan throaboanginosis obliteran ini adalah terjadinya inflamasi pada arteri vena dan syaraf utama kaki yang mengakibatkan terhambatnya aliran darah dan bila dibiarkan tanpa perawatan akan mengarah kepada gangren (matinya sel tubuh) sehingga pasien perlu diamputasi.
Masalah Merokok Di Indonesia
34,7 % penduduk di Indonesia berusia 10 tahun ke atas adalah perokok" (Riskesdas 2010).
Indonesia menduduki posisi peringkat ke 3 dengan jumlah perokok terbesar di dunia setelah China dan India (WHO, 2008) dan tetap menduduki posisi peringkat ke 5 konsumen rokok terbesar setelah China, Amerika Serikat, Rusia, dan Jepang tahun 2007.
Lebih dari 40,3 juta anak Indonesia berusia 0-14 tahun tinggal dengan perokok dan terpapar asap rokok di lingkungannya. Anak yang terpapar asap rokok mengalami pertumbuhan paru yang lambat, dan lebih mudah terkena infeksi saluran pernafasan, infeksi telinga, dan asma. Melindungi anak merupakan tanggung jawab keluarga dan negara. Pengendalian produk tembakau, bagian dari upaya melindungi anak dan generasi muda di masa yang akan datang.
Menurut Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2002 tentang Perlindungan Anak Bab IX Pasal 46 bahwa Negara, Pemerintah, keluarga dan orang tua wajib mengusahakan agar anak yang lahir terhindar dari penyakit yang mengancam kelangsungan hidup dan/atau menimbulkan kecacatan, karena tidak ada batasan aman untuk setiap paparan asap rokok orang lain. Oleh sebab itu 100% KTR merupakan upaya yang efektif untuk melindungi masyarakat.
Friday, January 4, 2013
Build your core muscles for a healthier, more active future
Edward Phillips, M.D., Assistant Professor, Harvard Medical School
Edward Phillips, M.D., Assistant Professor, Harvard Medical School
Many exercise programs these days spotlight the ever-present abs (abdominal muscles) but pay little attention to the other muscles that form the body’s core. Yet building upall of your core muscles is essential for staying strong and flexible and improving performance in almost any sport. It’s also vital for sidestepping debilitating back pain.
Your core includes your back, side, pelvic, and buttock muscles, as well as the abdominal muscles. The core forms a sturdy central link between your upper and lower body. Much like the trunk of a tree, core muscles need to be strong yet flexible. A weak or inflexible core drains power from many movements and can make it downright difficult to do some.
Benefits of a stronger core
No matter where motion starts, it ripples upward and downward through the core. That means a strong, flexible core underpins almost everything you do.
Everyday acts. Bending to put on shoes or pick up a package, turning to look behind you, sitting in a chair, or simply standing still are just a few of the many mundane actions that rely on your core. Even basic activities of daily living, like bathing or dressing, call on core muscles.
On-the-job tasks. Jobs that involve lifting, twisting, and standing all rely on core muscles. But less obvious tasks — like sitting at your desk for hours — engage your core, too. Phone calls, typing, computer use, and similar work can make back muscles surprisingly stiff and sore, particularly if you’re not strong enough to practice good posture and aren’t taking breaks when needed.
A healthy back. Low back pain can be prevented by exercises that promote well-balanced, resilient core muscles. When back pain strikes, a regimen of core exercises is often prescribed to relieve it, coupled with medications, physical therapy, or other treatments if necessary.
Sports and other activities. Biking, running, swimming, golf, tennis or other racquet sports, baseball, volleyball, kayaking, rowing, and many other athletic activities are powered by a strong core. Sexual activity also calls for core power and flexibility.
Housework, fix-it work, and gardening. Bending, lifting, twisting, carrying, hammering, reaching overhead — even vacuuming, mopping, and dusting spring from, or pass through, the core.
Balance and stability. Your core stabilizes your body, allowing you to move in any direction, even on the bumpiest terrain — or stand in one spot without losing your balance. Viewed this way, core exercises can lessen your risk of falling.
Good posture. Good posture trims your silhouette, projects confidence, lessens wear and tear on the spine, and allows you to breathe deeply. By contributing to slouching, weak core muscles undermine these benefits.
Weak, tight, or unbalanced core muscles can undermine you in any of these realms. So while it’s important to build a strong core, it’s unwise to aim all your efforts at developing rippling abs. Overtraining abdominal muscles while snubbing muscles of the back and hip can set you up for injuries and cut athletic prowess.
Core exercise examples
In Core Exercises, a Harvard Medical School Special Health Report that I helped develop, we worked with personal trainers to develop a series of exercises to strengthen core muscles. Writer Annmarie Dadoly wrote about the right and wrong ways to do three core-building exercises: lunges, squats, and planks.
Here are four of the nine exercises from the Vertical Standing Core Workout, one of the six complete workouts detailed in the report.
Side leg lift
Reps: 10 per leg
Sets: 1–3 Intensity: Light to moderate Tempo: 2–2 Rest: 30–90 seconds between sets
Starting position: Stand up straight with your feet together and your hands on your hips.
Movement: Exhale as you lift your left leg straight out to the side until your foot is about six inches off the floor, then return to the starting position. Keep your hips evenly aligned throughout. Finish all reps, then repeat with the right leg.
Tips and techniques:
Knee lift
Reps: 10 per leg
Sets: 1–3 Intensity: Light to moderate Tempo: 2–2 Rest: 30–90 seconds between sets
Starting position: Stand up straight with your feet together. Put your hands out to the sides, elbows slightly bent.
Movement: Lift your right knee toward the ceiling as high as is comfortable, then lower the foot to the floor. Finish all reps, then repeat with the left leg.
Tips and techniques:
Alternating reverse lunges
Reps: 10
Sets: 1–3 Intensity: Moderate to high Tempo: 2–2 Rest: 30–90 seconds between sets
Starting position: Stand up straight with your feet together and your hands at your sides.
Movement: Step back on the ball of your right foot and sink into a lunge, bending your knees and bringing your hands up in front of your chest, elbows bent. Your left knee should align over your left ankle, and your right knee should point to the floor. Exhale as you return to the starting position. Repeat with your left leg. This is one rep. Continue to alternate legs as you finish all reps.
Tips and techniques:
Reps: 10
Sets: 1–3 Intensity: Moderate Tempo: 2–2 Rest: 30–90 seconds between sets
Starting position: Stand up straight with your feet wider than your hips. Turn your toes slightly outward (rotating from the hips) and rest your hands on your thighs.
Movement: Keep your back straight as you bend your knees and lower your buttocks toward the floor. Stop before your buttocks reach knee level. Exhale as you return to the starting position.
Tips and techniques:
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